Our Programme – The Elemental Way
As a prospective puppy parent, you’re looking for a breeder with a comprehensive socialisation, habituation & training programme that covers – well, let’s face it – as much as possible!
Socialisation & habituation is all about making sure puppy learns about the world around them. Our bespoke, gentle programme starts from day 1 for the puppies, with it actually starting before birth, with our gentle care and attention to Mum dog. Our puppies learn lots in a gentle and caring manner that they need PLUS much more. Why? That’s an easy one – because we care & because we want to do our best for our puppies & puppy families. The first few weeks are incredibly special not just for puppies’ bodily development, but also this time is crucial for resilience later on in life.
Our puppies are nurtured and develop in our own home, so they interact with us & everyday interaction – like cooking & vacuuming, listening to music, meaning that they’ll learn all these things are totally fine right from birth.
We cover noises, people, animals, surfaces, sounds, environmental stimuli, bath time, grooming, teeth cleaning, cars, going to the vets, developmental activities for their specific ages, enrichment, exploration, satisfying curiosity, gentle human handling (& loads of cuddles!)
PLUS more! (That’s a lot already).
As a prospective puppy parent, you’re looking for a breeder with a comprehensive socialisation, habituation & training programme that covers – well, let’s face it – as much as possible!

Socialisation & habituation is all about making sure puppy learns about the world around them. Our puppies learn lots in a gentle and caring manner that they need PLUS much more. Why? That’s an easy one – because we care & because we want to do our best for our puppies & puppy families. The first few weeks are incredibly special not just for puppies’ bodily development, but also this time is crucial for resilience later on in life.

The gentle care we give Mum affects puppies for their life BEFORE they’re born! Our bespoke, gentle programme starts from day 1 for the puppies, with it actually starting before, with our gentle care & attention given to Mum dog.

Bio Sensor Stimulation exercises improve our puppies’ health and strength. Scent training helps their olfactory senses development plus much more.

People, animals, sounds, smells, sights, new things, different experiences, & surfaces – to help learning and resilience building.
Our puppies are nurtured and develop in our own home, so they interact with us & everyday interaction – like cooking & vacuuming, listening to music, meaning that they’ll learn all these things are totally fine right from birth.
We cover noises, people, animals, surfaces, sounds, environmental stimuli, bath time, grooming, teeth cleaning, cars, going to the vets, developmental activities for their specific ages, enrichment, exploration, satisfying curiosity, gentle human handling (& loads of cuddles!)

House Training – Core Behaviour – Mental & Physical Activities.

Cognitively enriching – builds mental capacity, is FUN and is the reverse of fear!

Raised at Home with Our Family
All our dogs live at home with us in our home. They are much-loved members of our family & are spoilt – as every family member should be! We don’t have any kennels.
Our puppies are not kept away in a separate room from where we live. Instead, they share our living rooms and kitchen. They experience short car journeys in a cosy carrier in my car, being gently talked to and given reassurance.
They hear everyday noises and smell real-life cooking, and every day they have many kisses & cuddles (to be honest it’s hard not to cuddle them all the time). The puppies see our family and friends, and get to know what being part of a family is like in a home setting.

All our dogs live at home with us in our home. They are much-loved members of our family & are spoilt – as every family member should be! We don’t have any kennels.
Our puppies are not kept away in a separate room from where we live. Instead, they share our living rooms and kitchen. They experience short car journeys in a cosy carrier in my car, being gently talked to and given reassurance.
They hear everyday noises and smell real-life cooking, and every day they have many kisses & cuddles (to be honest it’s hard not to cuddle them all the time). The puppies see our family and friends, and get to know what being part of a family is like in a home setting.
ENS – Early Neurological Stimulation
ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) is a training method. It essentially introduces extremely young puppies (neonates aged 3 – 16 days old) to mild stimulations (mild stress) in a gentle and controlled manner. This training helps to strengthen and boost the neurological system. This system in turn improves the development and growth of the puppy’s immune system, cardiovascular system, and develop stress tolerance, so it’s an amazing thing to do with such young puppies.

ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) is a training method. It essentially introduces extremely young puppies (neonates aged 3 – 16 days old) to mild stimulations (mild stress) in a gentle and controlled manner. This training helps to strengthen and boost the neurological system. This system in turn improves the development and growth of the puppy’s immune system, cardiovascular system, and develop stress tolerance, so it’s an amazing thing to do with such young puppies. You can read more about our ENS training here.

ESI – Early Scent Introduction
Early Scent Introduction (ESI) is a training programme designed for very young puppies (3 – 16 days old neonates) to strengthen their ability to react to and identify specific scents. Each day we introduce a strong scent to the puppies for a brief interval. We use a different scent every day and each puppy’s reaction is then recorded. The benefits of ESI are vast: greater scent awareness, enhanced optimism, improved confidence, and an improved adaptability to change. Resilience (the ability to be adaptive to change) is huge for every dog’s entire life, bringing a dog with fewer behavioural issues, so we are proud to work with every single one of our puppies with their ESI. You can read more about our ESI training here.

Sound Training
Our human world is full of weird & wonderful noises that puppy will experience during his/ her life. We start sound training with our puppies as soon as they open their ears; this usually happens at about 2 weeks old. We cover a selection of noises from indoor ones, such as pots clashing, vacuuming, to outdoor traffic and noisy train stations, weather and others. In order to build resilience and produce a well-rounded dog, we are happy working with each puppy and their sound training.

Acclimatising to the Outside World
Surfaces, environments, new (novel) items, grooming, bath time, car journeys… We introduce our puppies to new experiences throughout every single day in a gentle and progressive manner. We want to create positive associations, experiences and environments, so we respect their own individual development and are mindful of the milestone puppy fear periods.
Socialisation with people of varying ages and our own dogs, loads – no – heaps and tons of cuddles, handling and care help the puppies to gain necessary life skills.

Toilet Training & Basic Commands
Puppy coming home with at very minimum an understanding of toilet training is important. It means that toilet training has already started & gives a solid foundation to build on. Our puppies leave knowing exactly what a designated toilet area is, and that it should be used for toileting. We base our toilet training on the ‘Misty Method’, what we have learnt through raising litters, knowledge from education, and ‘Puppy Culture’. We allow our puppies to experience this method from about 3 weeks+ old; once they are mobile & moving around on their own. Basic commands, such as ‘Come’, ‘Sit’, and knowing their name are crucial steps to having a puppy that listens to you, wants to be interactive, grasps new concepts, and sets puppy up for a decent later time at socialisation puppy classes and for life.

Tailored Activities
Every phase of puppy’s development needs a new array of activities suitable to help their progress. This may be for strength building, to encourage them to stretching, walking, looking up, being inquisitive. It is sometimes in order to build resilience, to create new and/or strengthen neurological pathways. It could be to aid sleeping, help them settle and so forth. Our bespoke approach has blended together the latest methods to give our puppies the best possible start. They have tailored activities & learning for each crucial stage of their development.

Our blended approach means that our puppies get the best possible start. Elemental Puppies have tailored activities and learning for each crucial stage of their development, meaning that they don’t miss out on anything.