Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
This breed is affectionate, friendly and fantastic companion dogs. They are excellent for first-time dog guardians.
They’re the largest of the toy breed group as defined by The Kennel Club and are affectively known in the dog world as ‘love sponges’ because they love love basically. They are beautiful to look at & are depicted by their large round sweet eyes and forever wagging tails! Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are affectionately called ‘Cavaliers’. Cavaliers are the furthest removed genetically from the wolf of all the dog breeds. When my Cavaliers see affection given – wherever they are & whoever it is, my dogs will wag their tails and love that affection is being given & they can see it. Some dogs show jealous behaviour instead, but not the Cavalier.
Cavaliers are known to be a great companion dog for the older generation as well as around young children & can be excellent therapy dogs. This is a noble, graceful breed who’s content to play fetch in a park or garden and just as happy to curl up on the sofa.
I’m biased, but Cavaliers are beautiful dogs, adorable to live with, cute, funny, and a lovely affectionate breed who adores human company. I wouldn’t be without my Cavaliers.

Some of What We Do
Our puppies are born and raised in our home with much love and attention given to their changing needs and development. We have generations of experience, ranging from my husband’s grandparents, my mother-in-law, and my great-auntie and uncle.. We have a bespoke approach for our puppies to learn through our programme, developed through a fusion of the best proven training methods teamed with our knowledge & experience. We are passionate about being caring guardians for the puppies providing them with the very best possible start.