Quorra is such a good girl & clever. She’s sensitive to how people are feeling – and – she always tries to make everyone happy. She is intelligent and it seems like she’s decided she would love to become a chef ‘when she grows up’! (She really loves food)! She has been awarded Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Certifications in trick training.
She is one of only 5 Cavaliers in the UK to have achieved the Advanced award ever!!
Quorra stays nearby and likes to help with whatever we’re doing if she can. She has amazing recall and is excellent off-lead. She loves to cuddle on the sofa, being a little girl, learning new things, canine hoopers (for fun), and intently observing & listening.
It’s a joy to see her delicately following bees and butterflies; she enjoys looking at them and tries to follow where they go. Another hobby of hers is playing with ice cubes on hard floors before enjoying as a crunchy ice treat. Quorra is such a gentle soul and her coat glistens in the sun.
Quorra is a Ruby KC Registered Cavalier. She is Hereditary Clear for Dry Eye, Curly Coat, and Episodic Falling Syndrome. Heart testing is conducted through the Cavalier Heart Scheme every two years, which Quorra has always been given Green Clear. Annually she undergoes eye testing through the BVA eye scheme with a brilliant ophthalmologist, and for these tests we travel around the UK to ensure her health & mitigating risk for her puppies.
Quorra is such a good girl & clever. She’s sensitive to how people are feeling – and – she always tries to make everyone happy. She is intelligent and it seems like she’s decided she would love to become a chef ‘when she grows up’! (She really loves food)! She has been awarded Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Certifications in trick training.
She is one of only 5 Cavaliers in the UK to have achieved the Advanced award ever!!

Quorra stays nearby and likes to help with whatever we’re doing if she can. She has amazing recall and is excellent off-lead. She loves to cuddle on the sofa, being a little girl, learning new things, canine hoopers (for fun), and intently observing & listening.
It’s a joy to see her delicately following bees and butterflies; she enjoys looking at them and tries to follow where they go. Another hobby of hers is playing with ice cubes on hard floors before enjoying as a crunchy ice treat. Quorra is such a gentle soul and her coat glistens in the sun.
Quorra is a Ruby KC Registered Cavalier. She is Hereditary Clear for Dry Eye, Curly Coat, and Episodic Falling Syndrome. Heart testing is conducted through the Cavalier Heart Scheme every two years, which Quorra has always been given Green Clear. Annually she undergoes eye testing through the BVA eye scheme with a brilliant ophthalmologist, and for these tests we travel around the UK to ensure her health & mitigating risk for her puppies.