Our Friendly Dogs

Our beautiful dogs have wonderful temperaments, are all registered pedigree Cavalier King Charles Spaniels with The Kennel Club, and descend from parents that were health tested.

They are sweet, friendly, funny, talented, eager to learn and love new friends. Our lovely lot enjoy walks as much as cuddling on the sofa & having human company.

We all live together in our home; our pups are a joy to live with & a cherished part of our family.


Jessica is a true sweetheart, super cuddly & totally loves playing. Our most playful little darling; Jessica is best friends with Anastasia.

She is the only member of our family to have her own theme tune which she loves!


Anastasia is a cuddly soul and has a really sweet personality.

She is the most gorgeous, bouncy, fun-loving, tigger-esque girl that brings smiles to our faces every single day.

Anastasia & Jessica are completely best friends & the two have grown up beautifully together.


Philippe is a practical joker & loves meeting new people and dogs. He enjoys getting lots of attention and joking around. He is funny & makes everyone laugh, which he loves.

He is an amazing host, greeting people into our home. You’ll fall in love with Cavaliers in general with the welcome he gives.


Quorra is such a good girl & clever. She’s sensitive to how people are feeling & always tries to make everyone happy.

A really talented girl ~ she is one of only 5 Cavaliers in the UK to have achieved the Trick Title Advanced Award ever!!

Health Tests

Different dog breeds are more prone to potentially developing certain conditions. Cavaliers have longer muzzles than the King Charles Spaniel breed, consequently, this is a good thing in this regard. Our dogs are Hereditary Clear for Dry Eye, Curly Coat, and Episodic Falling Syndrome. A specialist veterinary cardiologist tests dogs with specialist extremely sensitive heart equipment, which shows if dogs have any issues or murmurs and grades their severity. My dogs have their eyes tested every year for the BVA/KC/ISDS eye examination, and tests confirm they have no issues with their eyes.

Examination reports will be shown to puppy parents & relevant copies included within puppy packs.

Stud Dogs

We only choose stud dogs with appropriate health test certificates relating to their breed. So, for example, Poodles are more prone to different conditions (for Cavapoo puppies) than Bichon Frises (for Cavachon puppies), or Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (for Cavalier King Charles pups). On top of this, we consider how the boy dog is kept and whether is a loved member of his family. These are just as important to us when selecting a suitable mate for one of our precious girls.